We craft and curate handmade products with sacred infusions of the natural world.

We're a small family of explorers, entrepreneurs, and artists living on Orcas Island — a remote, rural island in the Pacific Northwest. One day, our four-year-old daughter came home from school and asked us if she could harvest needles from a Douglas Fir tree that had fallen in a recent storm. She wanted to make a pot of tea. At first, we thought this was a game of make-believe, but we were soon corrected. She had learned how to make forest tea at school and now she was sharing her new apothecary skills with us. Learning from the excitement and innate wisdom of our child, we began to learn more about foraging, gathering, and transforming the simple ingredients around us into powerful teas, soaking salts, candles, and art.

We created Woodland Alchemy to teach our daughter how to use her imagination to build a business and livelihood that's rooted in the principles of sustainability and self sufficiency. Every product we create has been crafted with love and blessed with wonder. Thank you for visiting our shop and learning about our story!